Message from the President
President & Representative Director Shin-ichi Masuoka
Our company, Tekko Building Co., Ltd., was founded in 1949 with our predecessor company, Masuoka Shoten, having been established in 1888, undertook the TEKKO BUILDING construction project, and commenced its business operations in 1951. Looking back to the days in the post-war period when we devoted to the redevelopment of Tokyo, we cannot be more pleased to see the current prosperity of the Marunouchi and Yaesu area. We have been grasping changes in the times with a spirit of doing first inherited from our predecessors and endeavoring to create safer, securer, and more comfortable environment for all users of TEKKO BUILDING.
In 2015, with the theme "Linking people, the city and the times in every era." , TEKKO BUILDING was reborn into a large-scale mixed-use building with all the features required for the center of the international city, Tokyo; office floors, serviced apartments, shops and restaurants, business support facilities, an airport bus terminal etc. To provide an ever-improving environment for our tenants and all other users, we have been operating the new TEKKO BUILDING, fully utilizing the know-how we have accumulated.
During this period, in addition to the operation of TEKKO BUILDING, we have diversified into the hotel business and overseas business and grown up into the core company of its group companies doing business to construct and maintain social functions such as real estate services, construction services, sale of construction materials, transportation services, and communication services.
By defining the places where people win as our business domain, we endeavor to create value-rich environment and contribute to creation of happy society.
" The Place Where All Can Shine " is our corporate slogan that expresses our commitment to the endeavor.
I would like to humbly request your continuing support and encouragement.